Sunday 13 August 2006

More than 16 years of consistent campaigning for the development of Coatham Enclosure

Posted by Chris:

One of the advantages for a Councillor of issuing regular newsletters to the residents he or she represents is that you keep an accurate record of your campaigns and can make you opponents look foolish when they start spreading malicious and inaccurate statements.

The proposals for Coatham Enclosure have been a long time germinating (more than 16 years in fact). I am proud of the fact that Glynis and I have consistently supported the need for the development of this eyesore area for leisure and linked housing development and have kept people informed every step of the way. We have always seen it as a major catalyst for the regeneration of Redcar.

Back in June 1990, the last time the Council was balanced, we reported on the Redcar Regeneration Study by Consultants, Drivas Jonus, who first planted the seed that has only just germinated with the recent submission of a Planning Application for today's much more ambitious scheme. Some of the proposals in the Study never got off the ground others were amended but in the case of Coatham Enclosure they have been, albeit delayed for many years, expanded on and improved by the current administration after listening to the constructive views of residents.

Focus June 1990


Liberal Democrat Councillors Stan Wilson and Chris Abbott have welcomed the report on the Redcar Regeneration Study put forward by Langbaurgh Council's consultants, Drivas Jonus.

The report concentrates on four principal sites and we highlight some of our proposals below.

WILTON STREET AREA: This could be re-developed as a new retail area with covered access onto a pedestrianised HIGH STREET. Better car parking provision and a widened WEST DYKE ROAD. The Station and former Garden Centre Site were not included because English Estates already propose to build offices and workshops.

KIRKLEATHAM STREET AREA: Sheltered housing is preferred here, by the consultants. This matches the views of local residents supported by the FOCUS TEAM and against the view of the Council who prefer light industry.

COATHAM ENCLOSURE: Possible re-alignment of MAJUBA ROAD. Removal of the lorry Park to a site inland with possible residential development on sea front. Improvements to leisure centre and swimming pool.

WILTON SITE: Encouragement for the provision of modern industrial units on land close to ICI's Wilton Site.

This article was distributed in two editions of Focus in June 1990 - the Newcomen Ward edition and the Coatham Ward edition. It is interesting that opponents of the scheme often claim that they were not informed about the proposals to provide housing on the lorry park.

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