Friday 29 July 2016

Yorkshire Day in York Monday 1st August 2016

Yorkshire Day in York begins this year at Micklegate Bar, at 11.41am, with a landmark 40th annual reading of the Yorkshire Declaration of Integrity.

The readings are in Old English, old Norse, Latin and modern English, the four languages used in Yorkshire since the earliest known written reference to the Ridings, appeared in the Anglo Saxon Chronicles of 876.

Micklegate Bar is where the West Riding meets the City of York. The readers will then walk the walls to Bootham Bar for the North Riding, then
inside Monk Bar for the City and finally to Walmgate Bar for the East Riding.

A further reading at 1 pm kicks off a fun afternoon of events in St Helen’s Square.

The Yorkshire Declaration of Integrity 2016


I (your name) being resident in the (East/North/West) Riding of Yorkshire declare:

that Yorkshire is three Ridings and the City of York with these boundaries of 1141 years standing;
that the address of all places in these Ridings is Yorkshire;

that all persons born therein or resident therein and loyal to the Ridings are Yorkshire men and women;

that any person or corporate body which deliberately ignores or denies the afore-mentioned shall forfeit all claim to Yorkshire status.

These declarations made this Yorkshire Day 2016.

Yorkshire for ever!

God save the Queen!

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