The Government has just announced extra funding for councils up and down the country to deal with the problem.
Redcar & Cleveland is set to get £301,123. The Government estimates that each pothole costs £53 to fix on average.
This means that over 5,000 holes can be repaired in the borough.
Lib Dem Highways spokesman, Councillor Mike Carling (pictured right), welcomed the extra money saying:
“This is excellent news for our area.
"Potholes affect all areas of our borough. They damage cars and cause injury to pedestrians and cyclists. It’s an issue that concerns many people and that is why Liberal Democrats in Redcar have campaigned for improvements for many years.
“I am pleased to see that the Coalition Government is taking the issue seriously and providing this much-needed extra funding.”
Lib Dem Group Leader Glyn Nightingale added:
“The Labour Council puts up Council Tax every year yet fails to get the basics right. Now, thanks to the Coalition Government, they have no excuse for failing to fix our roads.”
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