There are two sessions each day - 10am-noon, 1pm-3pm - with a 50p charge to cover refreshments. A parental consent form needs to be completed on the first visit. Call Redcar and Cleveland Council's Children's Information Service for further details on 01642 771173.
Dates and venues are:
Monday, October 29, Tuesday, October 30: California Youth Centre, Eston and St Hilda's Church Hall, Mersey Road, Redcar.
Wednesday, October 31: Locke Park tennis pavilion, Redcar and Lingdale Village Hall.
Thursday, November 1: Lingdale Village Hall and Normanby Methodist Church Hall.
Friday, November 2: Normanby Methodist Church Hall and Carlin How Community Centre.
There will be spooky goings-on in Kirkleatham Museum, Redcar at half term.
On Tuesday, October 30, you can make a spooky skeleton hand that moves, ready for Hallowe'en and on Thursday, November 1, you can create a scarey ghost to decorate the garden. Craft sessions are at 10am-noon, 1pm-4pm.
Are you brave enough to come along to Guisborough Forest and Walkway for a night-time fright time on Wednesday, October 31.
From fire eating demons to wicked goings-on, a night of fun is guaranteed for all, brought to you by the Friends of' Guisborough Forest and Walkway. Tickets, priced £2, can be bought in advance from the Visitor Centre.
A free park and ride service will operate from Belmont House, Guisborough to the Walkway, starting at 5.30pm.
The annual Pageant of Light, a procession of music and light with this year's theme, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, is at Saltburn Valley on Sunday, October 28, starting at 5.30pm.
Organised by Redcar and Cleveland Council's countryside wardens, in conjunction with the Friends of the Valley to mark the end of British Summer Time, it will also include performances by Earthbeat, the theatre company made up of adults with learning disabilities.
There are two half term workshops at the Visitor Centre - on Tuesday, October 23, from noon-3pm to make a lantern and on Thursday, October 25, from 1pm-3pm to make a Lion, Witch and Wardrobe mask. Workshop entry is 50p.
On the night, meet at the Cat Nab car park and don't forget to bring a torch.
What about over twelves? Anything planned for them?
There are lots of things going on all the time. Take a look at the Council's play strategy http://www.redcar-cleveland.gov.uk/learnin1.nsf/BF135CD41D5AC2108025722500557E5E/$File/Play%20Strategy%20V3.pdf
Also keep an eye on the postings as we publish details here.
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